• Event
    • Braga Otology Surgery Course
      School of Medicine, University of Minho, Portugal
      3 to 7 July 2023
  • Form
    • Braga Otology Surgery Course 2023
      11 of January at 10:48 to 3 of July of 2023 at 10:48 UTC0
  • Details
    • Otologic surgery is an evolving area of constant technical improvement. It is critical that all young otologic surgeons master the basics to progress to more advanced techniques and, on the other hand, that the experienced surgeon has the opportunity to share knowledge among peers and also to review some concepts in order to be able to evolve further. With this in mind, the first edition of this course is announced, which aims to fully address the various aspects of otologic surgery, covering basic and essential topics, as well as more advanced themes such as lateral skull base surgery, keeping in mind the future with techniques such as endoscopic ear surgery and surgery of eustachian tube.

      This course does not provide credentials for the exercise of medicine for those without appropriate training, recognition and registered at the "Ordem dos Médicos".

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